Friday, July 3, 2009


Listening to the various forms of improvisation has been interesting. From Louis Armstrong thru John Hong impromptu was pleasant and helped understand a little of what jazz means to America, while Victor Borge and Hong are exhilarating performances and truly appreciated. Learning how down through the age’s American music evolved and defines the character or existence if you will of what being an American is all about. In my opinion that is the individuality, but an innate ability to pull together thus creating something wonderful for all to experience! With a determined mind set to separate ourselves from the clutches of European governance, especially after the War of 1812 which in essence was the catalyst which propelled the American culture to distance itself from European culture regarding artistic endeavors and to furnish our own brand of Americana. It seems that many of the pioneers were unlikely candidates at the present time, but perseverance in a style of music which morphed from minstrel shows to folk music then blues continuing to evolve into jazz and good time music, which embodies improvisation and allows for the truest form of democracy as people come as individuals and play as a group but competing to outdo one another, giving the society a treat because we get the best of what they have to offer thru challenges. If America looses this we exist for what purpose then?


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