Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Music Made To Be Meaningful

Today while talking with a coworker, about face book and how so many people connect she explains how she and her friends unite with each other on her site. It was simply through music. What they do is when the reminisce about a certain moment or time in life the write a couple of lines that was playing at that particular time and she went on to say that it was amazing how so many people could recall significant events that took place in their lives while a certain song was popular. Yes, this could be the pop songs but I would venture to say that this works for all music. Think of Jazz or classical lifting the spirits, and let us not forget hymnals that invoke the almighty and how many of tears have strewn down a person’s face when they think of the goodness of God?

Yes music can be very meaningful in so many different ways some joyful, others sad, the extremes are wide and ranging. One who has the ability to create a sound that brings so much emotion to the hearts of men truly has a wonderful talent! Simply hearing birds chirp a short melodic tune brings peace to one’s soul as they listen in a serene setting and you begin to take in the beauty (if afforded the opportunity) all around you that makes you appreciate the simple things of life. All because of a sound, yes music if very manifold source and force to be reckoned with. Think of the stories of the Naked Saint by Heinrich Wackenroder where the saint after observing what was considered acts of love became enlighten and was freed from the enchantment that had him obsessing over the wheel of time. Or the tale by Pythagoras that curved the youthful passions of destruction simple by changing the melody of a frenzied song, yes, music is made to be meaningful.

Music in so many ways is meaningful in it crosses all barriers such as language, time, age, color and sexes. It the melody touch the soul the music has done what it was meant to do. Songs have lifted men to win battles and lead them on to victory during sporting events. Now this music was made to be meaningful. Words that are placed in songs to convey a message and placed to the write notes is a masterful endeavor learn. This takes skill and a passion along with an innate ability to truly select the proper selection for each piece that will be a part of the story in time that is told in song. I will not say that it is a dying art, but the face of it is changing each end everyday unless the importance of what it represents continues to be taught so that old styles of will live on in hold meaning for us.

With all this in mind, that music is meaningful, examples abound on how music touches the lives of so many. But ask yourself, what does music do for you? What does it stir in you has it inspired you to run a marathon? Climb Mt Everest, or just simple reach out and touch somebody hands to make this world a better place if you can? Classical scores are masters at leaving a lasting impression on us in my opinion, so often it is unannounced to us that the music being played in the background is some classical piece. However, many times the classical piece helps to keep the scene or movie fasten within your mind for years to come. One who has the ability to write and compile songs which are meaningful has a magnificent endowment that they must be incredibly proud of since its power can progress and inspire others to do things that they might not normally do. That truthfully again is a gift and one should used with tremendous care. Because who knows what the person who hears the lyrics may do. If they can be highly praised for it great! However, if not, woe to them for creating some foul deed because of a few words place on piece of paper. In all seriousness, it is a wonderful thing to play something that is meaningful to all and moves people in whatever capacity. Hopefully only for good, but that is in a perfect world and this is a place we do not live a perfect world that is. So make it meaningful to all so that we will be swayed to do well!


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