Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Orchestra

Voices within the opera are comprised of six main types ranging from the Soprano which is the highest to the bass which is the lowest. The soprano would be a high women’s voice with a range in the opera world that would be called a dramatic soprano, because of the scale that these women are capable of expressing raw emotions through their voices. The mid level or range soprano is called a mezzo soprano the voices between the two sopranos are very difficult to distinguish but when performing, it can be a veritable to her either singer serenade you. Also you have the contralto, tenor, baritone and bass various male voices that are phenomenal at projecting their voices in order to reach the furthest patron.

Over the centuries it is interesting how the musicale ensembles have changed over time. During the Baroque you had and fourteen piece ensemble consisting of five violins one flute, one oboe, a trumpet, one double bass, two celli, two violas and a Harpsichord. The Classical period consisted of two timpani, two French horns, two flutes, two oboes, two trumpets, two bassoons, four double basses, ten violas, fifteen violins and four celli. The Romantic Period consisted of Percussions a total of seven pieces, four French horns, one tuba, three trumpets, four trombones, two flutes and one piccolo, two harps, four clarinets, four oboes, four bassoons, ten double basses, twelve violas, twenty violins and twelve celli. Bringing us to Modern period where the harpsichord is replaced with the percussion instrument the piano making a total of seven percussion instruments. The remainder where four French horns, four timpani, four oboes, four clarinets, four bassoons, four trombones, three trumpets, one tuba, one harp, one piccolo and two flutes, eight double basses, twelve second violins, fourteen first violins, twelve violas, and ten celli. As you can see the numbers grew and with possibility incorporating Asian pieces within the ensemble it will continue to grow.

With these beautiful voices and various instruments, one must understand that it takes key figures to keep everyone in sync. Sure anyone that plays and instrument for a major company is well qualified and considered to be the best of the best, and you may think that they are able to play on their own? However, without the first violinist who ensures that everyone is proficient in their area of expertise and the conductor who brings them all together to make such splendid music come together like and major player with in a huge corporation or athletic organization poised to become something more then what they are separate from the group or team. Exciting the players and giving them the accolades they deserve for doing a phenomenal job surpassing the excellence that everyone has already achieved. This is daunting task for anyone who pursues to acquire such a title. So much goes into all that we as patrons are blessed to hear. Never forget that this is something special that your mind body and soul is afforded the opportunity to experience.

Now there is a slight issue that patrons might encounter, and away to address the issue is due your homework, and I really need to take this advice to heart. If, you plan to attend a concert you do well to take the time to listen to the music before hand, read any history prior to attending this wondrous event, and while their read thru the libretto that you receive when you arrive at the hall, take the time to go somewhat early, take the moment in read the about the music especially if it going to be in another language, it will help you to appreciate the expressions and the different guest if there are any, singing or playing, you can appreciate it more when you hear and know that much time and effort has been place in the craft that they profess. Taking this to heart, truly one who puts time in will get the most out of what they doing, either way on to the receiving or giving. It can be a winning situation for all parties.
Recapping when you think of all that has been placed into the care and meticulous presenting of the music accompanied by the operatic style of projecting ones voice and all the various types of instruments brought together to make a melodic sound that enriches the soul, held together by two individuals one in the spot light and the other behind the scenes. It is a beautiful thing when it all comes together and is presented in a way that seems almost effortlessly to their patrons. It gives you a sense of wanting to do better yourself. Yes you can take away so much from an opera performance, guess it all comes down to how you might want to look at it. But do not take my word for it. Go and experience it yourself using some of the guidelines that I have given you so that you may enjoy the experience to its fullest potential!


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